Interstate 4, which spans 132.298 miles southwest–northeast across Florida, is where most highway accidents occur in Florida and considered the most dangerous roadway for Orlando motorists. The car accident attorneys serving Orlando residents, the Perazzo Law Firm and its personal injury staff of attorneys, are 100% dedicated to clients that have been injured or suffered losses as a result of an accident on Interstate 4. With vehicles ranging from motorcycles, cars, and trucks using this roadway on a non-stop and daily basis, accidents on I-4 are likely to happen, and at high speeds, injuries or damage to vehicles are sadly inevitable. Serving Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm understands that following an accident on the I4, victims such as drivers or passengers, may be compelled to file an insurance claim for compensation. In order for a successful insurance claim, in Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm car accident and insurance claims attorneys, highly recommend contacting our law offices
ONLINE immediately and to proceed as follows:
What happens immediately after an accident is crucial for a successful accident claim for compensation. Following an accident on the I-4, you or passengers may suffer some sort of bodily harm as a result of high speed impact. These injuries may include head or neck injuries, broken bones, brain trauma, shoulder injuries, or mental anguish. It is vital to keep all medical and expense reports to be presented to your insurance provider when seeking compensation for personal injury, damage to your vehicle, or any losses stemming from the I-4 accident. These may include lost wages, rehabilitation costs, or any other losses resulting from the accident. Contact your insurance provider but give no details of the accident other than where it occurred.
The I-4 is considered one of the most dangerous roadways in Florida, and the Perazzo Law Firm serving Orlando and Orange County, understands the sometimes irreversible damages caused by accidents on Interstate 4 whenever negligent motorists are involved. These may include drunk drivers, reckless drivers, or those simply that lose control of their vehicle when driving under adverse weather conditions.
Serving Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm Shares some of the main causes of Car Accidents on the I-4
Speeding - Travelling at high speeds on the I-4 is a common occurrence, and with high speed driving, comes the chances of losing control of a vehicle. When this happens, rollover accidents and crashes that end in fatality are very likely. In the event of a rollover accident on the I-4, motorists involved in the accident may suffer severe bodily injury and almost total destruction to the vehicle. Compensation by way of an insurance claim depends highly on the details of the accident and the motorist at fault. Knowing
what kind of insurance coverage motorists carry is crucial in the event that an insurance claim for compensation is to be filed by the victims of the I-4 accident. Victims of car accidents on the I-4 may require medical care and sometimes surgical intervention, which is common in most highway accidents. In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm understands the complexities behind filing successful insurance claims, especially those in which car accident victims in Orlando are seeking compensation for personal injury, property damages, lost wages, or even wrongful death from an accident that occurs on Interstate 4.
Drunk Driving - Driving drunk on Interstate 4 is one of the main causes of accidents for Orlando residents. When motorists are behind the wheel and driving drunk on the I-4, the chances of being involved in an accident increase dramatically. In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm has vast experience dealing with drunk driving accidents which result in personal injury and damages to other motorists. A drunk driver may sometimes flee the scene of the accident and leave the accident victim to weather the storm. In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm applies all possible resources to bring the drunk driver to justice. A drunk driving accident on the I-4 may not always hold the drunk driver responsible for personal injuries or damages as the drunk driver may be the victim of another negligent motorist. Nevertheless, operating a motor vehicle at high speeds on the I-4 does not help.
Poor Weather Conditions - Inexperienced and negligent motorists operating their vehicles under poor weather conditions are the number one cause of car accident on the I-4. When drivers take to the interstate under heavy rains or drive on slippery roadways, the chances of causing an accident are high. In Orlando, the car accident lawyers at the Perazzo Law Firm know that inexperienced motorists may either drive too fast or too slow when behind the wheel of their vehicles. Keeping ample distance between other vehicles is fundamental to avoid accidents, as is keeping vehicles in proper operating conditions. Braking and proper speeds are fundamental to avoid accident on Interstate 4. In Orlando, the personal injury lawyers that handle accidents on highways understand that speed and braking distances play a huge part of accidents. Furthermore, the use of hazard lights may be misused in the event of foggy weather. The Perazzo Law Firm reminds motorists to avoid using hazard lights unless there is a real emergency and the car is stopped (see driving in
Rainy Weather or
Foggy Weather).
If you, a friend, or relative has been involved in an accident on Interstate 4 and suffered bodily harm, vehicle damage, losses, or wrongful death, serving Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm urges you to
CALL (786) LAWS-411 for a
FREE initial consultation and talk to one of our professional and highly dedicated personal injury attorneys specializing in car accidents and insurance claims for compensation. Serving Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm offers its personal injury accident victims