Insurance Policies For Florida Motorists - Personal Injury Lawyer in Miami
- What insurance policies are available and how do they protect me?
- My insurance doesn't cover the extent of the damages to my car.
- The medical bills exceed my insurance coverage.
- The other driver's insurance fails to cover my medical bills.
- I'm looking for an insurance policy that offers the best coverage.

What kind of insurance do you have and how does it cover your best interests?
(click on the insurance type and watch a YouTube Video)
Uninsured / Under-insured Motorist Insurance
Bodily Injury Liability
Umbrella Insurance
Collision Insurance
Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance (GAP)
Comprehensive Insurance
Car Rental Insurance
Property Damage Liability Insurance (Mandatory)
Personal Injury Protection Insurance (Mandatory)
10. Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) is a vital insurance policy for motor vehicle owners, according to the knowledgeable team at The Perazzo Law Firm. This is because there is a substantial number of uninsured and under-insured drivers on the road, and UM serves as a safety net in case the other driver lacks insurance or has insufficient coverage to compensate you for personal injury, property damage, or injuries sustained by your loved ones.
Florida ranks among the top states in terms of the highest number of uninsured motorists on the nation's roads and city streets. It's crucial to note that your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance will only cover a specific amount of medical expenses and doesn't account for pain and suffering, as well as amounts that may exceed typical coverage, especially in severe crashes resulting in injuries like facial injuries from airbags, shoulder injuries, brain trauma, or even wrongful death. Medical bills to address such injuries can easily surpass $100,000. Opting for only basic coverage policies (PIP and PD) will not cover the costs associated with treating severe injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, or vehicle damages. Consequently, you may find yourself responsible for expenses that were not your fault.
To safeguard against such situations, insurance providers offer UM or UIM (Under-Insured Motorist) coverage options, which you can choose to either accept or reject. To purchase UM or UIM coverage, the motor vehicle owner must also have Bodily Injury Protection insurance (BI). Typically, insurance providers pre-fill the BI contract for you. This is because UM insurance offers exceptional value for its price. While insurance companies have access to extensive information about you, such as your address, occupation, credit score, and more, which they use to assess your risk of causing an accident, they cannot predict the risk of someone else causing an accident. As a result, UM insurance, mandated by Florida law, is relatively less expensive than mandatory insurances and riskier for insurance companies. Hence, they may not actively promote its importance to motorists.
Although you generally need to purchase bodily insurance to access uninsured motorist coverage, The Perazzo Law Firm strongly recommends motor vehicle owners carry UM or UIM coverage as it can potentially alleviate a lifetime of financial burdens caused by someone else's negligence. It's also valuable in the event of a hit and run accident. When combined with PIP and PD, UM covers pain, suffering, lost wages, and other losses in line with the coverage amount selected.
The Perazzo Law Firm wants motor vehicle owners to be aware that there are two types of UM coverage: STACK and UNSTACKED. UNSTACKED applies to each of the vehicles you own, regardless of the number, but covers each vehicle separately. Therefore, you won't be covered if you are a passenger in someone else's vehicle. Conversely, STACKED UM coverage provides protection for you, those named in the insurance policy, and your household family members, regardless of the vehicle they were in during an accident. It's called "stacked" because if you have this policy on multiple vehicles, the coverage accumulates based on the number of vehicles in the policy. For example, if you have three vehicles with a $100,000 policy, you would have a total of $300,000 in coverage to address injuries or losses for everyone covered under the STACK UM policy.
In conclusion, The Perazzo Law Firm hopes that this information clarifies the role and importance of UM insurance for you and your loved ones. Please note that this explanation is not exhaustive, and there is more to fully understanding UM coverage.
When an insurance policy holder requests UM from their insurance provider, they can opt for Stacked or Unstacked. Stacked UM coverage can be added on each of the vehicles the policy holder owns but will cover each vehicle individually and will cover the vehicle being operated at the time of an accident. It also covers the vehicle owner and those stipulated on the policy. Stacked UM elevates the coverage limit in the event of an accident and is recommended for those that own several private vehicles or a fleet of commercial vehicles. Furthermore, stacked UM covers the policy holder in the event of an accident in another person's vehicle, either as a driver or passenger. Stacked UM can also be combined to elevate the amount payable for injuries, damages, and/or losses sustained in an accident.
Unstacked UM coverage is more often purchased when a policy holder wishes to add UM to one vehicle rather than two or more. Unstacked maxes-out at the limit you set and purchase as stipulated on the policy. Unstacked UM insurance is also less expensive than stacked UM coverage as it does not apply to vehicles not on the policy.
Click Here to View Our Uninsured Motorist Coverage Video
9. BODILY INJURY LIABILITY INSURANCE (BI): While not a legal requirement in Florida, Bodily Injury (BI) insurance is strongly recommended for those who can afford it. BI coverage provides financial protection to the policyholder in the event they are responsible for causing personal injury or wrongful death to passengers or other individuals. Essentially, it safeguards your assets if you are at fault in an accident. This is of utmost importance because it can make the difference between making a down payment on your house or covering someone else's medical expenses.
If you find yourself as the victim in a motor vehicle accident, this is the insurance that your car accident lawyer would seek compensation from for your injuries, damages, or lost wages. BI also offers financial coverage for legal expenses in case the policyholder is taken to court due to an insurance claim. In other words, if you, a family member, or a loved one sustains personal injury in a car accident and the policyholder has BI coverage, you have the right to seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, funeral expenses, or legal fees arising from the accident. Consequently, the at-fault driver may not have to personally cover the costs incurred by the motor vehicle accident victim.
In some cases, BI coverage may be mandatory, particularly when the vehicle owner is financing or leasing a vehicle, and the financing company requires this level of coverage. BI insurance is structured differently from other types of insurance, as it consists of two parts: the maximum amount payable per person and the maximum total to be paid out per accident. For example, it may be sold as $100,000 per person with a total limit of $300,000 per accident, or $10,000 per person with a total limit of $20,000 per accident.
Uninsured Motorist (UM) insurance operates in a similar manner. For a more comprehensive understanding of BI coverage, you can reach out to an insurance provider or contact the car accident attorneys at the Perazzo Law Firm for a FREE initial consultation.
Click Here to View Our Bodily Injury Liability Insurance Video
8. UMBRELLA INSURANCE POLICY: While not widely recognized, an Umbrella Insurance Policy serves as an additional layer of liability insurance, supplementing your homeowner policy. It plays a crucial role in shielding the policyholder in the face of extraordinary claims and lawsuits stemming from car accidents in Miami and Florida, where the policyholder is deemed legally responsible for injuries or fatalities.
This coverage extends beyond your typical car or home insurance policy, stepping in to protect you beyond the original policy's limits. The primary purpose of having Umbrella Insurance in Miami is to safeguard the policyholder's assets in the event of a claim for compensation arising from injuries or death in unfortunate accidents occurring on the policyholder's property or due to their motor vehicle.
In Miami, the accident attorneys at the Perazzo Law Firm understand that being held liable for personal injury, property damage, loss, or wrongful death in an accident puts the responsible party's assets on the line. Hence, Umbrella coverage is often referred to as additional liability insurance, designed to shield the policyholder's assets from potential risks should they face legal action due to negligence in a compensation claim in Miami and Florida.
Umbrella policies are commonly chosen by individuals with substantial assets and savings, which could be vulnerable in cases of severe liability claims brought by injured parties. In essence, if you, a friend, or a loved one possess significant assets and wish to safeguard them from potential legal actions for any reason, it's advisable to consider acquiring umbrella insurance. However, it's worth noting that most insurance providers typically require policyholders to have at least $1 million in assets to be eligible for an umbrella insurance policy.
The amount of umbrella insurance coverage you need depends on your net worth and the likelihood of being involved in activities or actions that may result in severe personal injury, damage, or death to third-party victims. Jonathan Perazzo recommends carrying an umbrella policy worth one million dollars. While this may appear substantial, following a serious accident, one million dollars in coverage might fall short of fully compensating accident victims, especially in cases of serious injury or wrongful death.
To gain a deeper understanding of how Umbrella Insurance Policies operate and their role in protecting both injured parties and policyholders, the Miami-based Perazzo Law Firm suggests consulting with an insurance company representative. Alternatively, you can reach out to our Miami or North Miami Beach office staff online for a FREE initial consultation. It's called an Umbrella policy because it offers comprehensive coverage, essentially encompassing everything.
Click Here to View Our Umbrella Insurance Policy Video
7. COLLISION: When a vehicle collides with objects such as trees or light poles, it invariably sustains damage, ranging from minor issues like a busted headlight or windshield to more severe damage like deployed airbags or even total destruction. In such situations, Collision insurance plays a crucial role by covering the expenses associated with repairing or replacing the damaged parts of the vehicle.
Sometimes, vehicles lose control at high speeds on highways, leading to rollovers or slides out of control into steel guardrails or cement dividers. In these cases, Collision insurance steps in to assist with covering the cost of the damage to the vehicle. It's worth noting that most leased or financed vehicles are typically required to have Collision insurance until they are fully paid off.
Collision insurance proves particularly beneficial for those who drive expensive cars and may be more inclined to drive aggressively on Miami's roads and streets. However, it's essential to understand that Collision insurance does not provide coverage for theft, hit and run accidents, damage to other vehicles, or damage resulting from severe weather conditions that might cause fallen trees or objects. Furthermore, it does not cover medical bills in the event of injuries resulting from the accident.
It's important for policyholders to be aware that Collision insurance comes with a coverage limit, usually based on the vehicle's value after the accident, rather than its market value before the accident.
At the Perazzo Law Firm in Miami, we understand that most clients want to get back on the road as soon as possible after an accident. If you do not have Collision coverage, the process of getting back behind the wheel may take longer. This is because the other motorist's insurance provider has a duty to their insured and will conduct an investigation to determine fault, assess the extent of damages, and evaluate the possibility of a compensation settlement.
This investigation typically involves checking police reports, inspecting the vehicles involved in the accident, and more. Carrying out this investigative process takes time, and having Collision coverage can help expedite matters. Whether you are at fault or not, your car will be covered, which is particularly valuable because in most accidents, one of the drivers is considered at fault.
The Perazzo Law Firm emphasizes that even if you believe you are not at fault, there is a slight chance that you may still be held partially liable for the accident. Collision coverage provides peace of mind by ensuring your car is covered regardless of fault. In the event of an accident for more information, you can contact your insurance provider or call (786) LAWS-411 to speak to one of our car accident lawyers for a FREE consultation. If you need to get back on the road promptly, having Collision coverage is highly advisable. It prevents delays in the insurance process, such as waiting for an adjuster to verify damage, which can lead to your vehicle sitting in a repair shop. Instead, you can avoid coming out of pocket and hoping that the other motorist is adequately insured to cover the damages to your vehicle. All of these potential delays can be circumvented by carrying Collision coverage.
Click Here to View Our Collision Video
6. GUARANTEED AUTO PROTECTION INSURANCE (GAP): This type of insurance policy, known as GAP insurance, provides coverage that bridges the gap between a vehicle's current market value and the amount still owed to a financial institution or company as part of a personal loan or dealer leasing contract, among other arrangements. GAP insurance is particularly common for brand-new vehicles or trucks used for commercial purposes because they experience significant depreciation, especially in the early stages of ownership.
Motor vehicle owners seeking to obtain GAP insurance have two primary options. First, they can purchase it through an insurance intermediary or broker, a regulated entity within the insurance industry. Second, GAP insurance may be acquired through an unregulated waiver agreement offered by a financial institution or insurance provider.
In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm wants to emphasize the importance of this coverage. This is because other insurance policies mentioned in this article, such as PIP or PD, only cover up to the fair market value of the vehicle. GAP insurance, on the other hand, steps in to cover the difference between the vehicle's market value and the amount owed to the financial lender.
For more detailed information on how GAP coverage works, including its benefits for policyholders and third parties involved in car accidents in Miami due to negligence on the road, we recommend consulting an insurance provider. You can also reach out to our team of car accident attorneys at the Miami or North Miami Beach office for a FREE initial consultation.
Click Here to View Our Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance Video
5. COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE: Comprehensive insurance is not a mandatory requirement for registered vehicle owners in Miami, allowing each vehicle owner the flexibility to decide whether to invest in comprehensive coverage. This type of insurance provides a broad spectrum of protection against various incidents that can cause damage to vehicles, regardless of whether negligence is involved.
These incidents may encompass acts of vandalism arising from personal disputes or civil unrest, damage resulting from severe weather conditions such as hurricanes or hailstorms, and even deliberate collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, or animals. Comprehensive coverage also plays a pivotal role in replacing or repairing vehicles that have been stolen, including all of their components.
It's worth noting that comprehensive coverage is commonly recommended for leased or financed vehicles until they are completely paid off. This ensures that registered vehicle owners with comprehensive coverage enjoy robust protection against any situation leading to damage that is not covered by collision or property insurance in Miami and Florida.
The Perazzo Law Firm strongly advocates for Comprehensive Insurance Coverage, especially for vehicles with high market or sentimental value, such as antique vehicles. This coverage acts as a safeguard against virtually every type of damage, excluding accidents caused by the owner's actions.
Click Here to View Our Comprehensive Insurance Video
4. CAR RENTAL INSURANCE: There are insurance providers that offer added coverage to include rental cars in Miami or any other touristic Florida city. The Miami based Perazzo Law Firm considers it best for policyholders to check with their Florida insurance providers before purchasing the insurance policy car rental companies offer their customers. Contact us immediately if you have an Insurance Claim that involves a car accident in Miami while driving a rented automobile. Car rental insurance is always useful for those unfamiliar to Miami streets, highways and suburbs.
Click Here to View Our Car Rental Insurance Video
3. MedPay. Medical Payment Coverage is offered to motorists as a supplement to their current insurance policy and aims to help cover the medical expenses stemming from injuries sustained in a car accident regardless of which driver was at fault. In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm informs motorists that MedPay helps cover the medical expenses for both the driver of the registered vehicle as well as any passengers that suffer personal injury in the car accident. Furthermore, it's important to remember that MedPay only covers the medical expenses of those that are insured and not third-party victims. MedPay will most often cover the medical expenses usually involved to a motor vehicle accident such as collisions, roll-overs, or other more severe accidents. According each policy holder's MedPay plan, accident victims may be covered from $5,000 - $100,000 in compensation for medical expenses. The medical costs that MedPay will most likely cover:
- Emergency Room Expenses
- Laboratory Studies
- X-rays- CT-scans, MRI's, etc.
- Surgical Procedures
- Medication
- Hospital Stay
- Prosthetic Limbs or Implants
- Rehabilitation
In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm informs accident victims and MedPay policy holders that MedPay does not and is not meant to replace medical insurance. In the event of a car accident that involves a MedPay policy holder, the Perazzo Law Firm will amass the injured party's medical expense bills and submit them to the corresponding car insurance provider with the aim that the insurance provider cover the costs of medical treatment rendered to the accident victim or victims.
Click Here to View Our MedPay Video
2. PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION (PIP): In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm wants to ensure that all Miami and Florida residents are informed about the mandatory nature of PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance, in conjunction with PD (Property Damage) insurance, for registered vehicle owners and operators in the State of Florida.
PIP insurance serves to cover medical expenses for the vehicle owner, individuals listed on the policy, relatives residing in the same household, and potentially any passengers in the vehicle if they lack their own coverage as per the law's provisions. PIP typically pays up to $2,500, subject to a deductible and co-payment, unless there's an emergency medical condition, in which case you may be entitled to up to $10,000 for injuries and lost wages.
Navigating PIP can be quite complex within the realm of vehicle accident law, and we encourage accident victims to explore our website for comprehensive information on PIP. Importantly, PIP benefits in Miami are provided without consideration of who is legally responsible for the accident.
Following an accident, the victim visits their medical practitioner and signs an assignment of benefits, granting the doctor the right to bill the insurance provider directly on their behalf. However, there are exceptions that may allow individuals who have suffered personal injury in a Miami accident to file their own PIP claim. This mandatory requirement was put in place to address the issue of unpaid medical bills resulting from accidents, which in turn led to reduced credit scores and the fear of inadequate treatment for accident victims.
Under PIP, you can seek medical treatment regardless of whether the accident was your fault or not. Essentially, PIP ensures that you can see a doctor to receive necessary treatment, irrespective of whether you have other medical insurance that might otherwise limit your access to care.
While PIP is mandatory, it is advisable to complement it with additional insurance policies such as UM (Uninsured Motorist) coverage to ensure comprehensive coverage in the event of an accident resulting in serious personal injury or even wrongful death involving a third party. If you have any questions or need further information about PIP insurance in the context of a motor vehicle accident in Miami, our Miami Personal Litigation and Insurance Claims Lawyers are well-equipped to provide you with all the answers you need.
Click Here to View Our Personal Injury Protection Video
1. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE:Property Damage (PD) insurance serves to cover the costs of damage that the policyholder may cause to another individual's property in the event of a car accident in Miami or Florida. This can encompass various expenses, including mechanical repairs, replacement parts, or damage to physical property such as gates and fences, among others.
So, how much would PD insurance actually cover when it comes to causing property damage to another motorist's property? The amount covered by PD insurance is determined by several key factors. These factors include the vehicle's model and value at the time of purchase, its equity, the policy owner's annual income, their home equity, and other relevant considerations.
For a more detailed understanding of how much PD insurance would cover for those injured in a car accident in Miami resulting from the policyholder's negligence behind the wheel, we recommend reaching out to an insurance provider. Alternatively, you can contact our Miami or North Miami Beach office staff online to schedule a FREE initial consultation with the Perazzo Law Firm.
Click Here to View Our Property Damage Insurance Video
If you or your loved ones have suffered injuries or losses in a car accident, trucking incident, motorcycle crash, or any motor vehicle-related incident, it's crucial to consult with the Perazzo Law Firm in Miami to gain a comprehensive understanding of your insurance coverage and how it protects you in the event of accidents resulting in personal injury, property damage, losses, or wrongful death.
In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients, and we proudly offer ZERO-OUT-OF-POCKET costs for our assistance. The specific answers to these questions largely hinge on the type of insurance coverage held by the registered motor vehicle owner in Florida.
Comprehensive vehicle insurance coverage, for instance, typically covers all damages to the vehicle and individuals involved in the incident. Conversely, PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance will only cover up to $10,000 in damages or injuries for either your vehicle or the other driver's vehicle, as well as injuries resulting from a car accident or truck accident.
It's essential to keep in mind that insurance providers may not cover damages to a vehicle that was stolen due to neglect, such as leaving the keys in the vehicle with the engine running. For detailed insights into your insurance coverage and its implications, feel free to reach out to the Perazzo Law Firm in Miami. We are here to provide you with the right answers and guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.
"Life's not fair, you should prepare." Jonathan Perazzo, founder of the Perazzo Law Firm.
There are a number of motor vehicles that do not require insurance coverage under Florida Law. Some of them include:
- Mopeds
- Motorized Bicycles
- Motorized Skateboards
- Off-road Quads
- Scooters
In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm informs motor vehicle operators and victims of negligent acts such as: reckless driving, drunk driving, hit & run, speeding, etc. that even though Florida Law dictates that motorcycles, mopeds, off-road quads, scooters, etc., aren’t legally required to have insurance to operate them on Florida roadways, the Perazzo Law Firm highly recommends that the operators of these vehicles (mopeds, scooters, electric bikes, etc.,) to find out about insurance policies in the event the driver is found at fault for the accident. If legally at fault, he/she will be held legally liable for any injuries or damage bestowed upon the victim or victims of the accident. Furthermore, passengers injured as a result of negligence by either the driver of either vehicle, will need vehicle insurance coverage to compensate the accident victim or victims for personal injuries and any medical expenses incurred because of the accident. Motorcycle, moped, scooter, electric bike, etc., insurance can be purchased at low costs when compared to the cost of medical bills implied to cover for the personal injuries of another individual or someone else’s property. With regards to motorized bicycles in Miami, it is illegal for riders to operate them on Miami roadways or pavements without being equipped properly. Furthermore, operators must be 16 or older with no license required. The Perazzo Law Firm car accident and insurance claims attorneys remind motorcycle riders that they are at very high risk of suffering severe personal injury if hit by a car or truck. Hence, it is highly recommended that they carry some sort of insurance policy to help cover the medical costs incurred by an accident.
If you, a family member, or loved one has an insurance claim involving personal injury, property damage, loss, or wrongful death as a result of a motor vehicle accident in Miami or any of the Cities We Serve, the Perazzo Law Firm urges you to contact our Miami or North Miami Beach Office ONLINE or CALL (786) LAWS-411 to receive a FREE consultation to find-out more about the different types of Insurance Policies, and how drivers and passengers are covered in the event of an accident in Florida.